Saturday, January 31, 2009

e Commerce Law or Organizations in America

e-Commerce Law: Issues for Business

Author: John W Bagby

This exciting new text, e-Commerce Law: Issues for Business, provides an understanding of the major legal issues confronting cyberspace and e-commerce. An integration of traditional law with the emerging law of cyberspace provides a unique perspective to help students see how and why business decision-makers may seek legal assistance before their transactions beome irrevocably fixed or their actions become irreversible. This text utilizes court decisions, federal and state statutes, administrative rulings, the legal literature, and ethical issues relating to Internet Law to explain and demonstrate how e-commerce and the law relate to one another.


This text provides an understanding of the major legal issues confronting cyberspace and e-commerce, integrating traditional law with the emerging law of cyberspace. The text examines court decisions, federal and state statutes, administrative rulings, and the legal literature to explain and demonstrate how e-commerce and the law relate to one another. Each chapter contains several excerpted cases concerning well-known business entities, and comment boxes highlight controversial areas of law. Coverage includes the legal system and private law, intellectual property, e-commerce, and regulation. The author is affiliated with Pennsylvania State University. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Look this: Contemporary Models in Vocational Psychology or Marketing Research

Organizations in America: Analysing Their Structures and Human Resource Practices

Author: David Knok

Based on the findings of The National Organizations Study, Organizations in America provides a comprehensive review of the first national survey of organizations in the United States. Using a statistically representative sample, this work is the most authoritative database on the workings of organizations available. The principal investigators of the study use this data set to define what we know about the structures and human resource practices in American organizations and describes: The National Organizations Study and its implications Specific employment practices--hiring, training, promotion, performance measurement, benefit packages, contingent work--and how they compare between different businesses and business sectors Differential treatment of employees according to ethnicity and gender This breakthrough publication is an indispensable reference tool for those in the areas of organizational studies, human resources, sociology of work, industrial psychology, social stratification, labor, and labor economics.


Reports and analyzes the results of the 1991 National Organizations Study, which collected data on a representative sample of US work establishments. Provides information about structure, context, personnel practices, and other dimensions that shed light on social behavior in workplaces. After explaining the design of the project, presents conclusions on such matters as bureaucratic structure for coordination and control, job training, unions and internal labor markets, and patterns of gender segregation. Paper edition (unseen), $27.95. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:
List of Tables
List of Figures
1Organizational Properties and Practices3
2Design of the National Organizations Study23
3American Organizations and Their Environments45
4Bureaucratic Structures for Coordination and Control69
5Formalizing the Employment Relation87
6Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance113
7The Staffing Process133
8Job Training in U.S. Organizations157
9Training, Unions, and Internal Labor Markets180
10Organizational Differences in Earnings200
11The Structure of Organizational Earnings Inequality214
12Cui Bono? Employee Benefit Packages232
13Contingent Employment in Organizations253
14Organizational Patterns of Gender Segregation276
15Gender Differences and Organizational Commitment302
16Conclusions and Prospects324
Author Index359
Subject Index365
About the Authors379
About the Contributors381

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